I'm really sorry for not updating my blog. Lately, so many things had been going on. For example, I've started watching Dexter. I know I'm a little late at it, but nonetheless, it's got my full attention now. That's when I realized, I hadn't posted anything on my blog recently. Been doing a lot of College assignments, really. My exams are due next week. But here I am, relaxing. Watching Dexter. Eating whenever I want to. Meeting friends. Partying occasionally. Coming back and watching Dexter.
Anyway, I thought I would upload something that was recently done as a part of my curriculum.
An ad-campaign on Homophobia.
Target Audience: Homophobis
Slogan of the campaign: Be loud and Be proud( Cliche right?)
Meaning: An illustration based approach depicting a scene off a gay parade. The campaign is all about acceptance of homosexuals in our society and to rejoice their existence.
Print Mediums: Posters/Flyers/Badges/T-shirt graphics (front and back)/Postcards